Disputes are expensive, and disruptive.

Resolve conflict with customers and suppliers quickly, as it occurs.

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We're the end-to-end operating system for smart dispute management between customers and suppliers.

Experience rapid ROI, from day one.

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3 steps

Three Strand Management is a modern commercial process for the swift resolution of disputes between customers and suppliers.

Engage us a neutral strand in the relationship.

We put tested mechanisms in place to prevent and manage conflict.

Resolve problems, as they arise.

We proactively resolve conflict, in real time, through a commercial lens.

Continuously Improve.

We provide data insights to help you understand and improve commercial operations.


We work across several  industries

Financial Services

Streamlining dispute resolution in finance.

Knowledge Hub

A free resource designed to help your business navigate conflict and disputes.

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Innovative solutions for tech disputes.

Engineering & Construction

Building consensus in engineering and construction disputes.


Efficient conflict management for manufacturing.

cost reduction

Financial health

Business disputes burn millions in direct costs every year. The financial health of your business is not just about realising cost savings, its also about preventing unnecessary financial erosion.

We offer a smart way to resolve conflict, at pace, with commercial considerations sitting front and centre.

We’re building towards a future where costly business disputes are a thing of the past.


Brilliant tools

Data Insights

Informed decision-making for better business operations.


A view into performance and global dispute trends.


Structured resources to aid better cost management.

Contracts & Controls

Proactively plug gaps and weaknesses in ways of working.

traditional processess

More than 100 years

Mediation began gaining traction in the 1960s and 1970s, as courts became congested. Mediators aid communication, and are not focused on the fairness or commercial viability of outcomes. Power imbalances in mediation can often occur, and can affect the appropriateness of mediation outcomes.


Arbitration was captured in legislation in 1889. It involves appointing an arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators who listen to the arguments from each side and review evidence, then make a decision that is usually binding. Fees for arbitrators, venue, legal representation, and administrative costs from arbitration institutions can be costly.


Post-World War II, as industries such as engineering, construction, and technology grew in complexity, the application of expert determination expanded. The decision-making process is binding, but is not usually required to be fully disclosed, which can leave parties unsure about how the decision was reached. This can strain business relationships and lead to further disputes.

Expert Determination

Litigation is typically the most expensive form of dispute resolution. Legal fees, court fees, and other related costs accumulate quickly. The process can be extremely lengthy, often stretching over years before a final decision is reached. Litigation is generally a public process, and the details of the dispute and the outcomes are accessible to the public, potentially harming reputations or exposing sensitive information.


In 1996, 28 years ago, statutory adjudication in the construction sector was introduced. Adjudication is common in the construction industry. It's a binding process. Although less costly than litigation, adjudication can still be expensive, particularly if the adjudication process is lengthy.


Negotiation is a direct dialogue between the parties involved in the dispute. This process is informal and flexible, and you can have a series of negotiations for a single dispute. Negotiation can be conducted with or without legal representatives and can take place at any stage of a dispute.
